
Introduction to Software Engineering: ItSE-2019 (2019)

Basic Web Applications & TIETA12: TIE-23516 (2019)

Johdatus ohjelmistotuotantoon: JOTU-2020 (2020)

Software Engineering Methodologies: SEM-2020 (2020)

Large Scale Software Design: TIE-21307 Spring (2020)

Introduction to Web Technologies: TIETA9 (2020)

Software Engineering Project: TIE-PROJ (2019-20) (2020)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 fall (2020)

Introduction to Software Engineering: COMP.SE.100 Autumn (2020)

Software Engineering Project: TIE-13106 Autumn (2020)

Large Scale Software Design: COMP.SE.210 (2021)

Johdatus ohjelmistotuotantoon: JOTU-2021 (2021)

Software Engineering Methodologies: SEM-2021 (2021)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 spring (2021)

Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists: COMP.CS.200 spring (2021)

Artificial Intelligence: DATA.ML.310 spring (2022)

Introduction to Software Engineering: ItSE-2021 (2021)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 (2021)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 fall21 (2021)

Testikurssi: PRP project (2021)

Large Scale Software Design: COMP.SE.210 spring (2022)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 spring22 (2022)

Johdatus ohjelmistotuotantoon: JOTU-2022 (2022)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 S2022 (2022)

Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists: COMP.CS.200 S2022 (2022)

Artificial Intelligence: DATA.ML.310 summer (2022)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 F2022 (2022)

Introduction to Software Engineering: ItSE-2022 (2022)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 fall22 (2022)

Johdatus datatieteeseen: (2023)

TIRAKA: (2022)

Artificial Intelligence: DATA.ML.310 spring23 (2023)

Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists: (2022)

Large Scale Software Design: (2022)

Johdatus ohjelmistotuotantoon: JOTU-2023 (2023)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 S2023 (2023)

TIRAKA: TIRAKA2023 (2023)

Johdatus datatieteeseen: TIJO-222 (2023)

Introduction to Software Engineering: ItSE-2023 (2023)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 A2023 (2023)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 fall23 (2023)

Artificial Intelligence: (2023)

Large Scale Software Design: lssd_spring2024 (2023)

Johdatus ohjelmistotuotantoon: JOTU-2024 (2024)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 S2024 (2024)

Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists: compcs200-spring2024 (2023)

Introduction to Full Stack Development: COMP.CS.500 fall-24 (2024)

Software Engineering Project: PROJ-610/620 A2024 (2024)