The review of TIRAKA2022 assignment1 (Railways)

0 / 2 peer-reviews completed.

In this exercise you're peer-reviewing other students' submissions to the exercise The submit of and datastructures.hh of prg1

This exercise was closed on 12.12.2022 23.59

The learning target is to deepen students' understanding of efficiency and broaden their view of different solutions.
Submitting your work for the peer review was optional, but if you submitted, please do the reviews too.
That is to ensure that everyone gets their peer reviews.
The review does not affect the points of reviewee, but the reviewer. That is, if you do not do the review part, the loss is yours (50p).

The review is meant to be done in co-operation with Plussa grading.
You can submit the code as your own to get perftest results in particular.
Aided with this info, you are supposed to select one function to be analyzed more in detail (efficiency of it).
Do the following:
- overwrite temporarily your solution with your peer's solution and submit to Plussa
- check the results, (perftest and Valgrind are the most useful)
- select one compulsory function of the list for the efficiency inspection


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